
About me

My name is Junpei ‘Joni’ Zhong. I am a passionate researcher and educator in the field of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) and cognitive robotics, dedicated to developing intelligent and adaptive robotic systems that can effectively collaborate with humans to address real-world challenges. My interdisciplinary research approach combines expertise in HRI, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and user-centered design to create innovative solutions that enhance human experiences and improve quality of life.

My current research focuses on leveraging HRI and cognitive robotics to tackle pressing issues in healthcare and assistive technologies, particularly tackling real-world challenges in society, such as SEN (special educational needs) and ageing. By developing intelligent and adaptive robotic systems that can understand and respond to human needs, preferences, and emotions, I aim to create assistive technologies that empower children, adults and individuals with special needs to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. This research direction is driven by my commitment to translating academic research into real-world applications that positively impact society, as exemplified by my successful spin-off company that received support from a few organizations and collaborators, such as the Hong Kong Science Parks, Standard Chartered, Research Grant Committee, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) etc.

Throughout my academic career, I have established a strong track record of conducting high-quality research in HRI and cognitive robotics, as evidenced by my publications in top-tier conferences and journals, successful grant acquisitions, and collaborations with international researchers. I am also deeply committed to teaching and mentoring the next generation of HRI researchers and practitioners, with a teaching philosophy that emphasizes hands-on learning, interdisciplinary collaboration, and the practical application of HRI principles to real-world problems.

On this website, you will find more information about my research projects, publications, teaching activities, and professional experience. Feel free to explore and contact me if you have any questions or if you are interested in collaborating on HRI and cognitive robotics research.